Is There a Best Way to Consume Cannabis? The Pros and Cons of Each Method

How should you consume cannabis? There are certainly ways that are preferable to consume cannabis, but no one method is necessarily the best.

Different conditions require different ingestion methods. For example, skin problems are likely to need topicals and salves, whereas conditions like Parkinson’s or Crohn’s may need the more immediate relief of vaporizers or inhalers. Some consumers may require multiple ingestion methods for the relief of different symptoms. These are the pros and cons of each cannabis ingestion method.

Smoking Marijuana – rolling papers, pipes, bongs, chillums

Smoking cannabis is perhaps the oldest method of ingesting the plant. It is the “tried and tested” method most associated with the cannabis enthusiasts of recent decades. However, due to potential health problems, smoking cannabis is fast becoming less and less popular.

Pros of Smoking Marijuana

Here are some reasons you might enjoy this cannabis consumption method.

    • Quick and immediate effects are very useful for those needing immediate relief from symptoms.


    • Does not require huge technical know-how to use properly.


    • Many people enjoy the taste of smoking cannabis – appreciation of cannabis’s flavonoids and terpenoids.


    • Quite simple to dose, even if the dosage is not precise.


    • Effects last around 2-3 hours, which is ideal for remaining functional.



Cons of Smoking Marijuana

Although some argue that cannabis smoke is not the same as tobacco smoke, this does not mean cannabis smoke is not potentially harmful to the mouth, throat, and lungs. Breathing in smoke of any kind is not the ideal method of consumption, especially for medical patients. In addition, the cons of smoking marijuana include:

    • Not suitable for minors.


    • Some beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes are lost in the heat and smoke – not the most efficient ingestion method.


    • Cannot measure dosage with any precision.


    • Effects may not be long-lasting enough.


    • Perhaps the smelliest way of ingesting cannabis – keeping discreet can be difficult.


    • The immunocompromised and those with breathing issues should be particularly careful with smoking cannabis.


    • Rolling papers – these can contain damaging compounds of their own. Some brands are better than others, but even the best adds more burning matter. Blunt wraps are generally made from tobacco, which is addictive and harmful to health.



Are pipes, bongs, and chillums a better method of smoking cannabis?

While they can prevent the need for extra burning matter in the form of rolling papers, there is no major difference between smoking methods. Ice and water bongs may help cool down the smoke for a more pleasant experience, but smoke is still smoke. Pipes and bongs also require fewer hits, but they can still produce larger volumes of smoke and cause irritation to the mouth, throat, and lungs.


Vaping has become the preferred way for many to consume cannabis, with the perception that it is the healthier alternative to smoking. This is not always the case with the number of bad quality vaporizers and products containing additives like vitamin E oil. Moreover, in the non-regulated hemp oil market, disposable vaporizers have been found to contain synthetic cannabinoids. It seems that vaporizers are only safe if they are of particularly high quality, like Storz and Bickel’s Volcano vaporizer.

Pros of Vaporizing Cannabis


    • Immediate effect.


    • No smoke – vaporization heats the cannabis in a partial vacuum, heating the cannabinoids into a breathable vapor.


    • Dosage is easy to control, although precise dosages are still difficult to determine.


    • Quite an efficient way of using cannabis, as little cannabis is needed to get the desired effect.


    • More discreet than smoking (i.e., less of an odor).



Cons of Vaporizing Cannabis


    • High-quality vaporizers can be quite expensive.


    • Bad-quality vaporizers can be extremely dangerous – you do not want to breathe in burning metals and plastic.


    • Disposable vaporizers produced by companies suspend their cannabinoids in a vape solution. Not all such solutions are necessarily safe and, if improperly heated or if ingredients like Vitamin E acetate oil are used, may be carcinogenic and/or cause severe lung damage.


    • Consistent dosing is difficult because you cannot easily measure the intake of a specific amount of cannabinoids.


    • There is less smell with vaporizing compared to smoking, but there is still some.


    • Some ready-made vape products have been found to contain synthetic cannabinoids, which we do not know their effects and could be far more dangerous compared to plant-based cannabinoids.


    • Long-term effects are difficult to determine, as there are few studies on long-term issues.



Consuming Cannabis Edibles

For many years, health-conscious cannabis fans would choose to eat their marijuana rather than smoke it. The only problem was that the edibles were more often than not in a sugary treat, usually to mask the taste of cannabis. This has changed somewhat nowadays, but infusing cannabis with sweet treats is still popular. Edibles are known for being considerably stronger and more psychoactive than smoking or vaping cannabis. This is because cannabis is digested and processed by the liver, converting THC into the more potent 11-Hydroxy-THC in Gummies and Chocolate bars.

Pros of Marijuana Edibles


    • Versatile – you can make your own cannabis oil or butter and use it for several dishes.


    • Strong, long-lasting effects can be ideal for insomnia or chronic pain.


    • Much more discreet compared to vaporizing or smoking.


    • You do not need to inhale burning carbon from the combustion of plant matter, keeping your lungs healthy.


    • Little is needed for therapeutic effects.


    • Well-made products can be micro-dosed.


    • This can be both a pro and con, but high doses of edibles can last 12 hours or longer — sometimes even over 24 hours! This depends very much on a person’s metabolism.



Cons of Marijuana Edibles


    • Effects usually take a long time to kick in — one to two hours. This is not ideal for those who need immediate relief.


    • Easy to take too much and suffer an unpleasant experience.


    • Dosages in the product are uneven and unpredictable – ensuring that a product has an even spread of cannabinoids throughout the product is extremely difficult.


    • Many edibles on the market do not contain the cannabinoid concentration stated on the packet, sometimes going below the stated value but often way above the stated value.


    • Many must “build up” their tolerance to cannabinoids before eating them.


    • Too much can cause extreme anxiety and panic, leading to high blood pressure and heart problems.


    • While THC use, in general, is not advised for those with a history of psychosis, edibles are perhaps more likely to be a part of a THC-induced psychotic event.



Full-Spectrum Oil, aka Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)

RSO is a concentrated form of cannabis, where the cannabinoids and terpenoids of a cannabis plant are “stripped” using a solvent (such as isopropyl alcohol, butane, or ethanol). The solvent is then evaporated from the mixture, leaving behind a thick, brownish-blackish oil. This can be eaten.

Pros of Full-Spectrum Oil


    • Versatile – can be used both internally and externally.


    • High doses of cannabinoids and terpenoids may be particularly useful for conditions like chronic pain and some types of cancer.



Cons of Full-Spectrum Oil


    • Effects can be overwhelming.


    • Not necessarily suitable for all types of cancer, and there is no particular evidence suggesting that extremely high doses of cannabinoids are needed. Indeed, many may benefit more from a precise dosage.



Consuming Cannabis with Inhalers

Smoking and vaporizing cannabis does not have a medical image. Yes, they can be useful methods of ingestion, but too many health problems are associated with them. Inhalers have the immediate effect desired for conditions like asthma, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, or sudden panic attacks, but without the need for smoke or vapor.

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